Construction is a risky business, more so if you are a roof maintenance or repair specialist. ‘Roofers’- as these professionals are commonly known as, in fact, are listed out as one of the most dangerous jobs to have. In order to avert a mishap, roof walkways is a safe and workable solution to keep both your employees and equipment safe from the fall. A roof walkway will make it much easier and safer to access a roof for different purposes. It attaches sturdy equipment with your roof which will minimise the chances of workers falling off and suffering from fatal injuries.

In this article, we will give you tips for installing a safe rook walkway to your establishment to enhance the safety of your employees, equipment and also your structure.

Choosing the right service provider- One of the initial steps in installing a safe roof walkway is to choose a right service provider. Spend some time on short listing the most trustworthy roof walkway providers in your area. Do a thorough research on each of them. Ascertain whether they follow the Australian safety standards and have all the required certifications to prove their mettle. If possible, have a look at one of their installations to get a better view of the services they provide.

roof walkways

Working with right materials- Roof of the building or a structure could be made of many different materials. Thus, the materials used for making roof walkway should be in sync with the material used to build the roof. In case, your roof is made up of some light weight material and the roof walkway is built of heavy metal, it will not serve the purpose. Also, they should not be too fragile so as to crumble easily. Thus, identifying the ideal material is very essential to build a safe a roof walkway.

Including anti-slippage components- Safety of a roof walkway depends on a great deal on how well it can prevent slippage. Walkway must have an anti-slip surface to give workers maximum traction. Walkways also must have in-built drainage system so that water doesn’t accumulate and create slippage. Another component which can maximise the safety of your roof walkway is the installation of hand rails and guard rails wherever necessary so as to give workers a support to hold on to.

Take care of the building- The installation of roof walkway should not in any way jeopardise the safety or longevity of your building. This could be ensured by paying attention to the little changes that roof walkway might be making to the building. For instance, using clamps to install the roof walkway if it is safe instead of piercing the roof because piercing affects the water proof ability of your building. These are some components that you might would like to spend some time on before giving a nod to your service provider.

Following national standards- There is no other way of saying it. It is absolutely essential to follow the national safety standards while installing the roof walkway. Make sure that your service provider has all the necessary certifications and accreditations. Any kind of laxity in this regard will not just sabotage the safety of the workers and the building etc but could also land you in a legal trouble.

A sturdy and a workable roof walkways do more than just ensure the safety of workers, it also adds a whole new strength dimension to your building. Thus, these are some of the components that one must take utmost care about to ensure that the roof walkway installed to your building is safe from every point of view.


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